How to save energy at home?

Appliances and lighting are two of the areas in your home where you can have a direct impact on the energy use – and your household bills. But there are other ways that you can be smart in how you use energy.

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An LED bulb that’s even more efficient

SOLHETTA LED bulb lasts for up to 25.000 hours – that’s 35% more energy efficient than previous IKEA LED bulbs. If you use a SOLHETTA LED bulb for three hours a day, it’ll be 20 years before you need to change it.

See all LED bulbs
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With a laundry dryer instead of the tumble dryer you can reduce wear and tear, as well as your energy use.

Products to help you use energy smarter

There are many products to help you create a better life at home and sometimes even reduce your energy consumption. Here are some bright ideas.

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Roller blinds to insulate your windows

HOPPVALS blinds have a honeycomb structure that traps air, to keep in the heat. This extra insulation may help you to reduce heating costs, especially when combined with a second layer of thicker curtains.

See all curtains

Tips and ideas for a more sustainable home

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