A submarine and 5 figures. What character does your child want to be today? The captain, the chef or the diver exploring the deep blue ocean?

Help children develop their imagination, social skills and logical thinking.

The shape of the figures makes them simple to grip, even for little ones.

Article Number 905.264.99

BLAVINGAD Submarine Playset, Multicolour Product Information

An image of life under the sea, from a child’s eyes

In the Kids Lab, adults in design and development related roles at IKEA get the chance to show and discuss prototypes with different groups of small experts for invaluable feedback. At an even earlier stage, bringing kids into the process involves asking a designated panel of experts aged 8 to 14 to share their thoughts on things, big and small.

Like what their favourite ocean animals are, what concerns they may have for them, and what stories they imagine around them. Which ultimately inspired the direction of the ocean-themed BLÅVINGAD toy collection; and the message it carries. Insights and feedback from children tend to be the key that unlocks much in the process. For BLÅVINGAD, it was the panel’s concern for the ocean that sparked ideas that would eventually flow into everything from game and character development to material choices.

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Dive down into a world of wonders

Surfing dolphins, curious turtles and playful octopuses. The big deep sea is an enchanted world that triggers the imagination. It inspired us to create the BLÅVINGAD collection. Working with the project, we also realized that many children are worried about the oceans and their inhabitants.

Mysteries below the surface

But what is it about the oceans that fascinates and engages children worldwide – even children that live hundreds of kilometres from the coast? “The deep seas and their inhabitants have always been part of myths and stories that we tell each other,” says Barbie. “It’s a world of its own under the surface, something mysterious and exciting that brings the imagination to life.”

Discover the world

Stories, games and movies about life in the deep sea give children access to a world that is different from their own everyday life. “When children are between 3 and 6 years old, they fantasize the most, and when they get a bit older, they want to learn facts and understand how the oceans work,” says Barbie. She adds that when children are absorbed by something, it’s more than a game; they forget their worries, explore the world and broaden their horizons – just like a giant blue whale that floats off to explore the sea.

Designer Thoughts

Designer Thoughts

“The inspiration for BLÅVINGAD submarine comes from my love for Wes Andersson, Life Aquatic and Jacques Cousteau. So I started by imagining what features were needed and then created a character for every room. I’ve also hidden some fun details that leave room for the imagination. The result is a platform for creativity – a world that children can take over and bring to life by creating their own stories. The possibilities are endless in the unexplored world of the ocean.”

Designer Gustav Carlberg

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BLAVINGAD Submarine Playset, Multicolour Product Information

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