Divide and darken the sleeping area

Blinds shut out daylight making it much easier to fall asleep and stay asleep. Adding a divider between the beds gives both children privacy that allows them to wake up and fall asleep at different times, without disturbing each other.

See all blackout curtains


soft toy, beige 79.99 Add to Basket


wireless motion sensor, white 579 Add to Basket

Motion sensor night light

Nights tend to get calmer with a night light helping the kids feel more secure. But no need to leave it on. With a wireless motion sensor connected to the lamp the light comes on automatically when the children start moving about.

See all children’s room lightings

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A rug for sneaking silently

Rolling out a soft rug on the floor makes it easier to sneak off to the bathroom in the middle of the night, without waking your brother or sister. It also dampens the acoustics of the room so that daytime playtime doesn’t get too noisy.

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kids' bedding set, white/patterned 599 Add to Basket

“Letting the children pick colours and patterns for the bed linen makes it more likely that they will want to spend time in their own beds.”

Playful picks for the kids’ room

IKEA-paylasilan cocuk odasinda kaliteli uyku fikirleri 06

The most useful storage solutions to create a tidy look

See all children's storage solutions

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