IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love
IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Dream bed

In a shared bedroom, each child's bed is their kingdom! Make it a dream space by letting them pick their own bedding, cushions and the soft toys they want to cuddle. Look for accessories to make it personal, like STICKAT bed pockets that hold their treasures. If space is tight, and your children are the right age (top bunks are for children aged 8+) bunk beds are a super space-saving solution.

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Easy to sort, store and find

“We've tried different kinds of storage in here and finally we use things like see-through tubs, or boxes the kids can lift, or push around, so their toys stay accessible. Because we've noticed that when they can get to their toys, they play with them more when they’re hidden away, they forget that they have them,” says mum Marcia.

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Added comfort

The idea of comfort in a child's room is often about the reassurance of the familiar and feeling secure. Think about the things that bring comfort to your child and give them pride of place in the room. Whether it's a night light to ease the darkness, a much-hugged cuddly toy, or the bedtime storybook they never get tired of reading.

“Our challenge was to find the best way to make this small room work for both children. We added colour to the walls, and swapped their single beds for a bunk bed to make more room for them to play and to keep their toys.”

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Favourites on show

The idea of storage as display comes into its own in a child’s bedroom. Having a set of shelves where your child can put their absolute favourite toys out on show not only makes it easy for them to find them and play with them more, it helps them learn how to cherish and care for their things.

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Room to create

“I like the kids having a desk where they can study and draw. I think it’s important.” Positioning the desk lengthways means the children sit facing each other and feel like they have their own side! If space is tight, think of ways to keep the desk top clear. Keep pens and paints in small tubs that can sit on a shelf until needed, then the kids can easily carry them to the table.

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Display their drawings

It boosts a child’s confidence to see that the things they make are valued. So put their artwork on show! “We had some of Manuela and Miguel’s drawings taped to the wall. After I painted half the wall turquoise, I thought, why not make more of a fuss of their creations? So we picked out some favourites and framed them. It’s an easy thing to do but it makes a big difference to them.”

“We want this room to be a place where the children feel they can express their creativity.”

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Soft play

Make it easy for your kids to play wherever the mood takes them. When that comes to floor play, think about making it soft… “We added a rug to cover part of the wood floor. It’s a real hit – it’s so soft, the children love it.”

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Fun lighting

In a shared room it might be hard to pick a single decoration theme that both children love, but you can still add individual pieces that make them smile. And if you can pick pieces that spark their imaginations and feed into role playing, even better. “The cloud lights make the kids feel they are up in the sky.”

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love

Child’s eye view

See the room from your child’s perspective. It’s a great tip to help you plan a room for their needs. Go down to their height and see how things work for them. Can they reach the hooks you’ve put up? Can they lift the boxes in their storage unit once they’re filled? A sense of independence is vital for your child’s development, so make it easy for them to do things on their own, in their own room!

IKEA Ideas - Home visit: a shared bedroom each child will love
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